Writing II
担当教員: ミルキー マイケル
履修学年: 2年 単位数: 4単位
科目区分: 必修科目
■ テキスト
Read to Write Compositions
Ian Munby & Dorothy E. Zemach
ISBN 978-4-905088-52-3

■ テーマ
This course is for low-intermediate to high level students and continues the development of English writing skills. Major goals of this course include not only the ability to use more advanced vocabulary and grammar in writing especially for expressing opinions, but also for increasing writing speed. Identifying common errors, pattern outlining, and writing in the correct English format will be the primary focus of this course.

Writing II     

担当教員: ミルキー マイケル

履修学年: 2年 / 単位数: 4単位

■ テキスト

Read to Write Compositions
Ian Munby & Dorothy E. Zemach
ISBN 978-4-905088-52-3

■ テーマ

This course is for low-intermediate to high level students and continues the development of English writing skills. Major goals of this course include not only the ability to use more advanced vocabulary and grammar in writing especially for expressing opinions, but also for increasing writing speed. Identifying common errors, pattern outlining, and writing in the correct English format will be the primary focus of this course.


1. Participation: Pattern recognition activities / Error Correction / Dictations 10%
2. Topic writing assignments - 50%
3. What's new? - 15%
4. Vocabulary Tests 15%
5. Final Test 10%

担当教員: ミルキー マイケル
履修学年: 1年 単位数: 2単位
科目区分: 選択科目
代表教員研究室: 7819(担当教員と代表教員は異なる場合があります。)
代表教員連絡先: mielke★edu.sapporo-u.ac.jp(★は@に変えてご利用ください)

■ テーマ
This is an English writing course for beginner to intermediate level English students. The focus of this course is to build a solid writing foundation by training the students in the proper form of paragraph writing as well as how to create accurate and logical content by exposing the students to a vast array of writing samples from which they can identify useful patterns for their own writing. Students will also be trained in identifying the most common grammatical and vocabulary usage mistakes and be able to self-correct and peer correct.
1. Participation: Pattern recognition activities, self-correcting, peer editing - 20%
2. Topic writing assignments - 50%
3. Vocabulary Quizzes - 20%
5. Final Exam - 10%
*teachers will give back all quiz, presentation and test results directly to the students
■ テキスト
Read to Write, 2nd Edition
Douglas Moore & David Barker
ISBN 978-4-905088-47-9